
ESCAP Poster Award 受賞


2019年6月30日(日)~7月2日(火)にウイーンにて開催されたヨーロッパ児童青年精神医学会第18回大会(The 18th International Congress of the European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)において、野村あすか(当センター講師)・二宮有輝(平成30年度大学院教育発達科学研究科博士後期課程修了)が大会3日目のポスター賞を受賞しました。


Nomura, A., Matsumoto, M., Kemppinen, L., Odogerel, D., Ninomiya, Y., Keskinen, S., Keskinen, E., Oyuntungalag, N., Tsuboi, H., Suzuki, N., Hatagaki, C., Inagaki, M., Fukui, Y., & Morita, M. (2019). An International Comparison of Happiness in Foreign Children in Japan, Japanese, Finnish, and Mongolian Children (2): Analysis of the Sentence Completion Test on Sense of Happiness. The 18th International Congress of European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Vienna, Austria.

Ninomiya, Y., Matsumoto, M., Kemppinen, L., Odogerel, D., Keskinen, S., Keskinen, E., Oyuntungalag, N., Tsuboi, H., Nomura, A., Suzuki, N., Hatagaki, C., Inagaki, M., Fukui, Y., & Morita, M. (2019). An International Comparison of Happiness in Foreign Children in Japan, Japanese, Finnish, and Mongolian Children (3): Analysis of the Sentence Completion Test on Sense of Unhappiness. The 18th International Congress of European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Vienna, Austria.

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