The Baby as Subject: an Introduction to Infant Mental Health and the Newborn Behavioural Observation
The Baby as Subject: an Introduction to Infant Mental Health and the Newborn Behavioural Observation
客員教授 Associate Prof Campbell Paul,Consultant Infant Psychiatrist, the Royal Children’s Hospital, the Royal Women’s Hospital and the University of Melbourne, Australia
1) Tuesday, January 23 16:30~18:00
名古屋大学(東山Higashiyamaキャンパス)文系総合館(AdministractiveOffice Humaninities and SocialSciences room #311) 311号教室
title: The Baby as a Person, Showing Initiative from the Beginning: an Introduction to Infant Mental Health.
2) Thursday January 25 16:30~18:00
教育学部第3講義室 Education Lecture room 3
title: Mental Health Interventions with the Sick Baby and Troubled Parents: a role for all Health Professionals Working with Infants
3)Thursday February 1 16:30~18:00
教育学部第3講義室 Education Lecture room 3
title: Introducing the Newborn Behavioural Observation (NBO): Key Principles underpinning our Understanding the Newborn Infant and their Family Relationships
4) Tuesday February 6 16:30~18:00
大幸(Daiko)キャンパス 本館1F WB講義室
title: The Amazing Newborn Baby: How to Use the Newborn Behavioural Observation (NBO) to Meet the Baby and Support the Emerging Infant- Parent Relationship
5) Thursday February 8 16:30~18:00
教育学部第3講義室 Education Lecture room 3
title: The Newborn Behavioural Observation (NBO) as a Timely Intervention with Sick and Vulnerable Infants and Families; from the Maternity Unit, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to Family Home